Tagged: peony lim


FotoFlexer_Photo174While studying for a degree in fashion at the London University of Arts, Peony Lim’s impeccable style was noticed by streetstyle photographers right outside of her school and the rest was history. Soon after she started her personal style and lifestyle blog  peonylim.blogspot.com and the fashion world took notice. Her blog gained recognition from Vogue, Elle,  Haute Style, Grazia, Tatler, Lucky, Glamour, Harper’s Bazaar, Style.com and New York Magazine just to name a few. The next year in 2011 she launched her online boutique in which she travels in between London and Asia to find and sell pieces. Peony is one of the few people noticed for her fashion sense that actually looks as though it comes naturally. She never looks as though she’s dressing for attention from photographers, she dresses for self and she always looks effortless and chic.